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My Story

How did I become a human wiring specialist?

I’m no longer surprised by the question, how did you become a human wiring specialist? This question is usually asked within the first few minutes of meeting me, whether at a networking event or even in casual conversations with new acquaintances. 

I absolutely love what I do and feel blessed to know that I do it well, it serves a beautiful purpose and I truly believe everyone can benefit…therefore it pours out of me as soon as I’m asked about my career. 

As soon as I mention, I am a small business consultant and a human wiring specialist, I can see the confusion laced with curiosity. This generally prompts, what is human wiring? I explain the neural/brain connection, the next question is usually; how do you measure this? Some will assume electrodes. The last question is, how did you begin this type of career? 

Life is a journey

My career started over twenty years ago in the real estate world of title insurance. I was 19 years old, and just trying to navigate life and trying to decide on college when I stumbled into an interview at a well-known title insurance company. I had no clue what title insurance was, or what I would need to work in the field, but I passed through the interview, and it all began there. 

For those of you that aren’t familiar with title insurance…it’s NOT a boring career. It’s fast paced, pressure filled, and they speak an entirely different language. I was thrown into the deep end and learned to swim fast. Legal documents mixed with lots of dynamic women and a few men seemed like my first taste of the “real world”. You learned to swim, or you sank. 

I worked my way through the title insurance world for about 15 years before I decided I was missing my calling. The funny thing was…outside of my passion for health and wellness, I had no formal college and was just a young mom, raising her children and living my life. I began thinking about what else I could do. That’s when an opportunity came knocking.

Pivatol Moments

My beautiful friend and mentor, the owner of a fast-growing local title insurance company called me. She asked if I would join her team. I politely declined and explained that I was thinking maybe it was time to exit this career and move onto something new. She urged me to hear her out, she spoke of wanting to bring someone on that could help create a training and communications department for her business and help bring unity to her team spread out through (at the time) seven office locations. We had some negotiations and off I went on a complete leap of faith!

Little did I know, this was a fated leap of faith, designed to prepare me for my future business and purpose. I knew that I felt I was somehow missing my calling, but what I discovered is that the years prior that I spent working in an industry that I grew to love were just paving my way for the business I would create. My life lesson…you cannot skip steps. 

The career shift I made put me into the backside of an industry that I had been immersed in for most of my adult life. The three years that followed were the fastest and most profound years of my career. It was in this stage that I was introduced to the complexities of individuals through training, hiring and conflict…it was also when I was introduced to the assessment tool that I utilize in my business today.

AcuMax Index

When I was introduced to AcuMax Index, the assessment tool used to measure human neural wiring, I felt an instant connection. This tool is unique and stands apart on the market for a few reasons. 

  1. It’s an objective assessment tool that takes 5 minutes for a participant to complete.
  2. It’s not a behavioral or personality test.
  3. It measures the hard wiring of individuals allowing myself and them to see how they navigate idea flow, communication, pressure, certainty, and decision making.

In a very short time, I can look at someone from an objective lens, share that information in an easy-to-understand way and help them apply…allowing individuals to make tangible changes that also feel GOOD! Not only does this impact the individual taking the assessment, but it also impacts those around them! By understanding ourselves, we can better connect with others and understand them as well!

This tool was at the center of my position within the company I worked for. It assisted in hiring more effectively, engagement and conflict resolution…among other things.

At the end of 2018, I decided to make another leap! I saw the amazing results of what this tool and my intuition could produce. I knew that my “calling” had arrived. I was supposed to take this product and myself into the small business world and beyond. This is where Be Industries was born.

My mission and my purpose

Today, Be Industries focuses on elevating small businesses and individuals to new levels of self-awareness and empowerment! My mission is to help propel small businesses and individuals into new levels of awareness and success. Building from the place of understanding and purpose. Hiring, retention, strategy, team building, sales and more…I’d love to help your small business discover itself and YOU discover your unique contribution! Click HERE to get connected with me!