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The Art of Gratitude

Are You Grateful?

Have you ever had something amazing happen to you that instantly creates a rush of gratitude? The kind of moment that makes you stop, reflect and on occasion cry? Most of us have had a moment take place that was something that we were so completely grateful for that it stops us in our tracks, but have you ever had the same emotion of gratitude when something happens that isn’t necessarily a happy outcome? 

What Deserves Our Gratitude?

Feeling gratitude only in joyful moments is not how we usher in the law of attraction, find true happiness, or discover our truest potential. Once you get serious about putting you back in the driver’s seat of your life, you will find out that it’s a journey that requires humility and finding the silver lining. Part of that “silver lining” is found in gratitude for the hard, the fail, the heart break and the letting go. Once you understand why, you’ll find it hard not to constantly find the lesson or the gift within the struggle. The next step is to find immense gratitude. The same feeling that you would have if it was something that brought actual joy. Find the same feeling. Then fall into the flow. 

The Gratitude Payoff

Awesome people enjoy being around other awesome people! You will make better friends when you practice gratitude!

Gratitude filled individuals are healthier and feel better physically and mentally!

Sleep and self-esteem are improved through daily gratitude.

How to Practice Gratitude

Speak and write the things you are grateful for daily! Be in the present so you do not miss the moments that are all around us, there’s so much to be grateful for throughout our day. When we begin to open our eyes to see and feel the moments, we will begin to not only live a fuller life, but we will be able to capture the reasons for gratitude! It is a habit, and with practice it will become a life changer. 

Keep a journal, say it out loud, keep your eyes open and feel the shift!