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Hiring with Intention

Intention is such a powerful action in life. When it comes to making moves, the benefit of understanding the importance of intention will change the results substantially.

When I discuss the strategy of hiring with intention among business owners, I see many moments of realization. Hiring is often one of the most overwhelming and challenging parts of growth. The wrong hire can leave a business struggling to meet objectives and sustain a quality culture. The right hire seems more like a stroke of luck than something that can be repeated for continued momentum.

While trying to understand how to move with more intention, you must first understand why it is so hard to hire right without the proper knowledge.

Most business owners began their business because they had a product or a service that they knew above all else! They were an expert and working in their genius. This is where entrepreneurship blossoms. Those that succeed understand the value in off boarding some of their workload to continue the growth cycle. This is where things can get tricky.

Hiring takes a turn for the worst

It usually goes something like this; write a job ad, post a job, sift through resumes, maybe have a phone interview with potential good fits, in person or zoom interviews with those that seem the best. At the end of the cycle, generally a choice is made. It usually comes down to “you interviewed well, I liked you, you have some skillsets that seems relevant”. This is almost the exact process a small business will go through.

Then after 90 days many business owners are left scratching their heads and wondering, who is this person I hired? Statistically, 50% of new hires will turn over within 18 months of their first day on the job.

Intentional hiring changes the game

The idea of hiring with intention goes beyond a strategy. It starts at the very foundation. Knowing the culture of your business, along with exactly what the open position will require starts the process. What does it mean to hire with intention? It means that you know very well exactly what your business, your leadership style and your staff needs, then using the resources and strategy to obtain that!

The result goes beyond hiring for a specific set of tasks. The right individual will become a leader in their position, foster and support a healthy culture and contribute to the bottom-line wellness of your business…not because they must, but because they LOVE to!

Bring people and business into alignment by being intentional!

Check out my spot on the Rebel Women Podcast to hear more about hiring with intention!